Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life is Full of Surprises

      Today was a very interesting day. I started the day sitting in my environmental science class. While I was sitting there, my mind started wandering (which should not be surprising by now). I thought back to a time about four weeks ago when my Grandma passed away from Alzheimers disease. I got to thinking about how much I really missed her. I decided to write a poem dedicated to her (yes, during class).

                                                           To My Grandmother

                                                         It was a terrible disease,
                                                    That claimed you way too young.
                                                     That day was filled with sadness,
                                                     When we all found out the news.
                                                      You fought for a very long time,
                                                      And tried very hard to hide it.

                                                      But it eventually ran your mind,
                                                      And had no choice but to cave.

                                                      You missed some of the best years,
                                                       Of your precious life,

                                                      That were spent in dark and sadness,
                                                       And confusion ran your life.

                                                      The people you surrounded,
                                                       Have already started to mourn.
                                                      Even though you are physically here,
                                                      You are already gone...

                                                      It is a hard thing to think of,
                                                      And ask the question why.

                                                      Why you left the world in that way,
                                                      But I know, I will see you again someday!


      While on one of my breaks from class, I decided to go on a run. While I was doing my cool-down walk on a nice trail, a lady comes up to me and starts walking right beside me. We eventually engage in conversation and she starts talking about life. She explained to me that she was a cancer suvivor, and she cared for her husband for many years while he battled cancer. We talked on and on (0.5 mile worth), and I got to thinking about how fortunate I am. I myself just found out this past summer, that I have a rare brain malformation called an AVM (arteriovenous malformation). After talking to this stranger, I reflected about how precious life really is, and how we have to make the most of our time here on earth. I think that God put that stranger on the trail at the right place and the right time for a reason. It is amazing what we can learn from everyone.


      Later on that day, I had a nursing theory class. Our teacher gave us an assignment to come up with the best creative presentation to explain a nursing theorist. I chose Hildegarde Peplau (mother of
psychiatry). I dressed up like (my version) of a psych patient.:)






Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunny Wednesday

     Good afternoon everyone!!!! Sometimes I just love being a senior nursing student!!!!:) Today I got to sleep in and get things done at my leisure. I have a lengthy list of things that I have to accomplish around the house today before I get to go into my lovely job now, but procrastination is sometimes just worth it!! I probably set a bad example for my undergrad friends, but after three years of nursing school, I have the procrastination thing down to a science!:)

     Yesterday I sat in a class room from 750a-4p. After a long day of three class back-to-back, a couple of our professors had a meeting with the senior nursing class, and at one point, told the entire class to close our eyes. During a time (which seemed eternity) I almost fell asleep. When I said that I have the procrastination thing down, I don't necessarily have a good solution for the sleep deprivation that goes along with it.:) Anyway, After we all opened our eyes, "Pomp and Circumstance" started blaring through the speakers in the room, and we were all told to single file to the front of the room and grab a little rubber ducky in a container of water. Well, I grabbed my duck, and headed back to my table wondering "what the heck am I going to do with a duck." I decided to name my duck Flo after Florence Nightingale....(creative, I know), and left it at that.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Ahh my first post ever on my it goes.:)
    I am a senior nursing student and I work part time for local EMS as an EMT. I have a passion for what I do, and I love serving the community. I am into pretty much every sport. Among my favorites are biking, kayaking and running. I have grown up in a family of seven, and have an older sibling, a twin sister, a younger brother and sister.
    These days I don't get out as often as I would like to, because of this awesome thing called nursing school. Today for school, a handful of us students had to go to a local flu shot clinic and gave flu shots to the residents there.
    Well it is almost time for my 2 mile daily stress relief run!:) God bless!