Saturday, June 22, 2013

Here's my number...

Last night while working squad, we had a student rider who was barely 18 with us...something that is not uncommon in EMS. This student rider was very enthusiastic, and hadn't taken his first call yet. Being a teacher at heart, I started to explain different things about EMS to him. He was around a rough crowd all afternoon, so I decided that I would be kind to him... He had been there since 1pm, and it was already 6pm, and he was anxious to go on a scene run. At 830 pm, we had our first run-a fall with injuries. Our rider was enthusiastic to help, so after I completed my assessment, I let the him take over. Later after arriving at the hospital, I was sitting down writing the report, and the rider comes up to me and sits down. He stutters and hands me an alcohol prep pad with his name and number written down on it and says "just in case you ever want to call or text me" and then walks away with the rest of the group. I thought that it was a very sweet and cute thing to do. I think that it is not going to work out, but thanks for the offer anyway.:) As I sit reflecting on this incident, it makes me wonder how many other guys that I am nice to that think that I am "interested" in...Life is an adventure!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Watch out for the Salesperson!

It was a cloudy afternoon as I rushed out of my house to meet my sister and mom at the mall to get my nephew's three month old pictures taken. After we were done with the pictures, we all decided to go and walk around the mall. While walking with my little groupies, I got distracted by a pretty dress in a store. I was told to go ahead and browse around the little store and meet up with them later. I went into the store and discovered that the dress was too expensive, and entirely out of my price range. I quickly ran out of the store before I could get stopped by any of the salespersons there. I was no sooner out of the store, when I got stopped by a handsome young man holding a free sample of lotion. He asked me if I wanted the free sample of lotion, and I was anxious to continue on my way and said "sure." Right after I said "sure" he lured me in with his salesperson's tactics, and I was hooked. I am pretty sure that he showed me every single product that he and his vendor was selling, all of the while commenting on how beautiful I was, and flirting up a storm with me. I was annoyed/flattered by the attention. I kept trying to pull away from this costly stand of cosmetics, and this young man kept thinking of different ways to keep me there. He was piling product after product in my hands and trying to get me to buy the items. Finally I was so annoyed by this salesperson, that I settled on a $30 bar of soap. While I was going to check out, he swiftly stuck a $100 product in my hands, and took my credit card. Before I knew what happened, the purchase was finalized, and I was holding $130 worth of cosmetics in my hands.  I learned a lot that day, and this is one adventure that I never want to have to relive!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


I walked into the computer lab shaking in my shoes. This was the day that had been dreaded ever since we started the semester. This was ATI test day! For those of you that may not know what ATI tests are, they are nursing NCLEX prep tests. These tests are the national boards per se for different areas in nursing, and are pass or fail exams.These tests are taken after all nursing classes at my school. Looking around the room, I saw several daunting computers that all seemed to be staring back at me with their "empty" looking screens. I carefully select a seat and sit down. I keep refreshing the screen and nothing new is popping up. Getting bored with my ever continuing process, I start staring down at my feet. I had slipped both of my shoes off, and just now started to realize that there are huge blisters on each foot....(I guess my shoes didn't fit as well as I thought they did). Just as I started to shift my attention back to the computer screen, that big button on the screen appeared that said START. I carefully put in both of my ear plugs and am pretty sure I scraped my one ear drum in the process. With shaking hands, I finally put my cursor over the button and started the test. After about 25 questions, I started to get bored again, and once again my attention shifted. I never noticed how dry my hands are "oh where is my lotion?" I also learned that drinking 2 cups of coffee just prior to the test was probably a bad idea. I then realized that I was taking an exam. 30 questions, then 50 went by. Just....5...more questions. I could do this....I started watching as each student left the room. Hmmmmm....time to pop another piece of candy. I finally finished the test.  Looking up with glazed over eyes, finally got up and walked towards the door. Wow, that was the shortest hour of my life! I didn't know whether I passed or failed, but it didn't matter at that point. All that I knew is I was done with this hard test for the time being. The drive home was a long one, and one of much contemplation. Then finally, I got a text congratulating me for passing the test. That text message made my day, and I started to get really excited about conquering yet another nursing class. I decided to take a much-needed nap to celebrate. After a stressful day, life is is ALWAYS good. God bless!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Another Awesome Weekend!

Friday October 5, 2012

 I got to start off my weekend by not having any classes or clinicals. It was a great start to a great weekend.:) I spent my day off studying and writing a careplan for my community nursing class all day. I then went with my little sister to a haunted trail in the evening. There was a gorilla there that was trying to "hit on" my little sister, so I thought that it was time to leave. It was a great way to get
us excited about the Fall season in Ohio.

Saturday October 6, 2012

I meant to sleep in on a wonderful Saturday morning, but it did not happen. I ended up getting up quite early again to start my homework. I studied for a test for another class that I have this upcoming week in nursing theory all morning. I could not sit still any longer for studying, so I went
with a group of friends for a stress relieving game of paintball at a local course. I think that we had
more fun shooting at each other than actually playing the games. Needless to say, we ended up with
huge welts everywhere on our bodies. It was a great way to spend the afternoon though,and we still
ended up keeping our friendships in the end!:)

Sunday October 7, 2012

I was up almost all night at my EMS job, so I took the morning to take a long winter's nap
before going to 11:30 mass. After I came home from mass, I found that my mom had made these
delicious looking pumpkin cut-out cookies and left them sitting out on the kitchen counter. I am
trying to diet to lose a few pounds that I had gained throughout a stressful month during the summer,
so I had a long debate in my head about stealing one.I finally decided that one cookie would not hurt,
and would go perfectly with the coffee that I was drinking.:) After being all "jacked up" on coffee
and sugar, it is time to start studying again for midterm week. Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

5 Ways To Reduce Stress during Midterm Week

These are five simple ways that I have learned through experience that help me reduce stress.

1. Get plenty of rest!!!
  • You have probably heard this time and time again, but it is true! Without adequate sleep, we become walking, grumpy zombies!!!

  • If you are like me, you probably lay down at night, and cannot get your mind to stop. I take 3 mg of melatonin 30 minutes before I go to bed. It helps me get a better night's sleep, and feel well-rested for classes.

  • Put away all electronics at least 1 hr before you go to bed!! This includes laptops, cell phones, Ipads etc. I have found that when I go to bed texting, I am more likely to wake up periodically throughout the night and read and respond to texts resulting in a not-so-great night of sleep.

2. Exercise!! Exercise!! Exercise!!!

  •  Just 30 minutes of physical activity per day!!! This can be hard to do with a busy schedule. Start taking the steps instead of the elevator, park your car farther away from your destination or take quick walks on 10 minute breaks during class.

  • Physical activity releases endorphins in our brain which are our happy chemicals, that make us feel good.

  • I like to sign up for 5k runs every other week. This helps me to stay motivated, and helps me to stay in shape at the same time.

3.  Avoid People That Stress You Out!

  • After taking a huge stressful test, avoid that group of classmates who always discuss the test in detail right after they get done taking it. This adds extra, unavoidable stress to your already heavy load. Try taking a walk or talking to a best friend (who is outside your major) on the phone for awhile.

  • If there is a stressful conversation that is going on around you, just GET UP AND WALK AWAY. Your health is worth more than an unecessary, stressful conversation.

  • Choose your friends carefully!!! There are people that are lurking around every corner wanting to lure you into "their group". Stand firm!

4. Find Time for Yourself!

  • This is an important one in college! We all love to hang out with friends as much as possible, but we need time for ourselves.

  • I like to go kayaking. Simply going on a run, taking a little car ride, reading a book, journeling or simply laying flat on your back listening to music.

  • Meditate. Make time for God. Your spiritual well-being is extremely important.

5. Do Something for Others

  • Somtimes the best thing we can do during stressful times, is think of someone besides ourself.

  • Write an encouraging note to a friend

  • Visit a nursing home, or an elderly neighbor. The stories that they can tell you, are both encouraging and inspiring.

  • Help a friend or family member with chores that they have to do.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life is Full of Surprises

      Today was a very interesting day. I started the day sitting in my environmental science class. While I was sitting there, my mind started wandering (which should not be surprising by now). I thought back to a time about four weeks ago when my Grandma passed away from Alzheimers disease. I got to thinking about how much I really missed her. I decided to write a poem dedicated to her (yes, during class).

                                                           To My Grandmother

                                                         It was a terrible disease,
                                                    That claimed you way too young.
                                                     That day was filled with sadness,
                                                     When we all found out the news.
                                                      You fought for a very long time,
                                                      And tried very hard to hide it.

                                                      But it eventually ran your mind,
                                                      And had no choice but to cave.

                                                      You missed some of the best years,
                                                       Of your precious life,

                                                      That were spent in dark and sadness,
                                                       And confusion ran your life.

                                                      The people you surrounded,
                                                       Have already started to mourn.
                                                      Even though you are physically here,
                                                      You are already gone...

                                                      It is a hard thing to think of,
                                                      And ask the question why.

                                                      Why you left the world in that way,
                                                      But I know, I will see you again someday!


      While on one of my breaks from class, I decided to go on a run. While I was doing my cool-down walk on a nice trail, a lady comes up to me and starts walking right beside me. We eventually engage in conversation and she starts talking about life. She explained to me that she was a cancer suvivor, and she cared for her husband for many years while he battled cancer. We talked on and on (0.5 mile worth), and I got to thinking about how fortunate I am. I myself just found out this past summer, that I have a rare brain malformation called an AVM (arteriovenous malformation). After talking to this stranger, I reflected about how precious life really is, and how we have to make the most of our time here on earth. I think that God put that stranger on the trail at the right place and the right time for a reason. It is amazing what we can learn from everyone.


      Later on that day, I had a nursing theory class. Our teacher gave us an assignment to come up with the best creative presentation to explain a nursing theorist. I chose Hildegarde Peplau (mother of
psychiatry). I dressed up like (my version) of a psych patient.:)






Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunny Wednesday

     Good afternoon everyone!!!! Sometimes I just love being a senior nursing student!!!!:) Today I got to sleep in and get things done at my leisure. I have a lengthy list of things that I have to accomplish around the house today before I get to go into my lovely job now, but procrastination is sometimes just worth it!! I probably set a bad example for my undergrad friends, but after three years of nursing school, I have the procrastination thing down to a science!:)

     Yesterday I sat in a class room from 750a-4p. After a long day of three class back-to-back, a couple of our professors had a meeting with the senior nursing class, and at one point, told the entire class to close our eyes. During a time (which seemed eternity) I almost fell asleep. When I said that I have the procrastination thing down, I don't necessarily have a good solution for the sleep deprivation that goes along with it.:) Anyway, After we all opened our eyes, "Pomp and Circumstance" started blaring through the speakers in the room, and we were all told to single file to the front of the room and grab a little rubber ducky in a container of water. Well, I grabbed my duck, and headed back to my table wondering "what the heck am I going to do with a duck." I decided to name my duck Flo after Florence Nightingale....(creative, I know), and left it at that.