Thursday, October 11, 2012


I walked into the computer lab shaking in my shoes. This was the day that had been dreaded ever since we started the semester. This was ATI test day! For those of you that may not know what ATI tests are, they are nursing NCLEX prep tests. These tests are the national boards per se for different areas in nursing, and are pass or fail exams.These tests are taken after all nursing classes at my school. Looking around the room, I saw several daunting computers that all seemed to be staring back at me with their "empty" looking screens. I carefully select a seat and sit down. I keep refreshing the screen and nothing new is popping up. Getting bored with my ever continuing process, I start staring down at my feet. I had slipped both of my shoes off, and just now started to realize that there are huge blisters on each foot....(I guess my shoes didn't fit as well as I thought they did). Just as I started to shift my attention back to the computer screen, that big button on the screen appeared that said START. I carefully put in both of my ear plugs and am pretty sure I scraped my one ear drum in the process. With shaking hands, I finally put my cursor over the button and started the test. After about 25 questions, I started to get bored again, and once again my attention shifted. I never noticed how dry my hands are "oh where is my lotion?" I also learned that drinking 2 cups of coffee just prior to the test was probably a bad idea. I then realized that I was taking an exam. 30 questions, then 50 went by. Just....5...more questions. I could do this....I started watching as each student left the room. Hmmmmm....time to pop another piece of candy. I finally finished the test.  Looking up with glazed over eyes, finally got up and walked towards the door. Wow, that was the shortest hour of my life! I didn't know whether I passed or failed, but it didn't matter at that point. All that I knew is I was done with this hard test for the time being. The drive home was a long one, and one of much contemplation. Then finally, I got a text congratulating me for passing the test. That text message made my day, and I started to get really excited about conquering yet another nursing class. I decided to take a much-needed nap to celebrate. After a stressful day, life is is ALWAYS good. God bless!

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